Accreditations and Quality

UNI EN ISO 11357-1 + UNI EN ISO 11357-2, ISO 11357-1 + ISO 11357-2 – Determination of the glass transition temperature (excluding the step height of the glass transition)

UNI EN ISO 11357-3, ISO 11357-3 – Determination of the melting temperature and enthalpy (excluding the crystallization temperature and enthalpy of crystallization

UNI EN ISO 3451-5, ISO 3451-5 – Determination of ash – Poly (vinyl chloride)

UNI EN ISO 3451-4, ISO 3451-4 – Determination of ashes – Polyamides

UNI EN ISO 3451-1, ISO 3451-1 – Determination of ashes (method A) – Part 1: general methods

PV 3341 / VDA 277 – Non-metallic materials of vehicle interiors – Determination of the emission of organic compounds

UNI EN ISO 1172, ISO 1172 – Determination of the content of textile glass and mineral filler

UNI EN ISO 306, ISO 306 – Thermoplastics – Determination of Vicat Softening Temperature (VST)

UNI EN ISO 4892-1 + UNI EN ISO 4892-2, ISO 4892-1 + ISO 4892-2 – Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources – Xenon lamps

ASTM G 155 – Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials

SAE J 2412 – Accelerated exposure of automotive interior components using a Xenon arc controlled irradiation tool

SAE J 2527 – Reference performance for accelerated exposure of automotive exterior materials using a Xenon arc controlled irradiation instrument

UNI EN ISO 105-A02 / ISO 105-A02 – Tests for colour fastness Grev scale fot assessing change in colour

UNI EN ISO 105-A03 / ISO 105-A03 – Tests for colour fastness Grey scale for assessing staining

ISO 179-1 / ISO 179-1 – Plastics — Determination of Charpy impact properties — Part 1: Non-instrumented impact test

UNI EN ISO 527-1 + UNI EN ISO 527-2 + UNI EN ISO 527-3 / ISO 527-1 + ISO 527-2 + ISO 527-3: Plastics – Determination of tensile properties

UNI EN ISO 178 / ISO 178: Plastics — Determination of flexural properties 

UNI ISO 4650 / ISO 4650: Rubber — Identification — Infrared spectrometric methods

UNI EN ISO 180 / ISO 180: Plastics — Determination of Izod impact strength

Quality Assurance


Proficiency test 2022 for infrared spectroscopy analysis (UNI ISO 4650 and ISO 4650)



Proficiency test 2021 for ash content test (ISO 1172 and ISO 3451-1)

Proficiency test 2020 for Xenon arc light resistance test (ISO 4892-2) with evaluation via grey scale color change (ISO 105-A02)

Proficiency test 2020 for the DSC-Glass transition temperature test (ISO 11357-2)

Proficiency test 2020 for the DSC-Temperature and enthalpy of melting test (ISO 11357-3)

Proficiency test 2019 for Charpy impact test with notch (ISO 179-1Ae)

Proficiency test 2019 for the bending test (ISO 178)

Proficiency test 2019 for the tensile test (ISO 527-1, -2)

Proficiency test 2019 for the 45 ° color measurement test (DIN 53236-B)

Proficiency test 2019 for the emission test of Volatile Organic Compounds (VDA 277 – PV3341)

Proficiency test 2016 for theDSC-Temperature and melting enthalpy test (ISO 11357-3)

Proficiency test 2016 for the Xenon arc light resistance test (ISO 4892-2)

Proficiency test 2016 for the ash content test (ISO 1172-A)

Proficiency test 2014 for the DSC-Glass transition temperature test (ISO 11357-2)


Proficiency test 2014 for the DSC-Temperature and melting enthalpy test (ISO 11357-3)