Centro Polimeri
laboratory specialized in
analysis of polymers of industrial interest
What do we do?
Centro Polimeri Italia is a laboratory with a precise know-how on polymeric materials employed in the industrial field, both in the form of raw materials or articles obtained from them. Among these, those that stand out for their diffusion and versatility of use are plastics, to which we dedicate a particular commitment and interest every day.
The extensive equipment available in the laboratories allows us to operate efficiently without neglecting the high safety standards for the staff and for the environment. In addition to carrying out experimental activities at the request of our customers, the study of new test methods aimed at satisfying the most diversified demands of the market is constantly being developed.
In addition to keeping the measuring instruments controlled by following careful calibration protocols, for years we have been participating in interlaboratory circuits involving laboratories from all over the world. Such attention towards the quality of the tests we perform motivated us to obtain laboratory accreditation according to the UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2018 standard for an ever-growing number of tests.
Moved by the increasing interest of our customers operating in the automotive field, we also obtained the validation by Volkswagen Group as an accredited laboratory for the for the emission tests of harmful compounds.

CENTRO POLIMERI ITALIA is an ACCREDIA accredited laboratory